I am NACCTEP, just kidding, I'm Jennifer Gladis, program coordinator and executive assistant for NACCTEP since January 2018. Prior to that I spent ten years working as an outreach/student services specialist in Rio Salado College's Education department working primarily with students in our Teacher-In-Residence program. This program allows individuals with at least a bachelors degree to be hired as the full-time teacher of record in a classroom with full pay and benefits on an intern/alternative teaching certificate while they complete the required coursework and exams to become a fully certified teacher.
I've worked at Rio Salado College in the Educator Preparation department for over 15 years since moving to AZ from Ohio. Back in Ohio I worked in a variety of industries and spent most of my free time working as a concert photographer and webmistress for an international rock star. I am still in touch with several of my most influential teachers from high school and while my background is not in education I've always had great respect for the tremendous amount of work teachers do every day.