Hello Everyone,
I am looking forward to meeting each of you tomorrow at our pre-conference session! As a reminder, we are in Homestead 3; you may check-in (sign in, media release, goodie bag) anytime after 12:30. We would like to use this discussion board to build community for anything conference-related, i.e., networking with new friends from the pre-conference, sessions that you would like to see if others are attending and anything else you would like to share with the pre-conference participants.
Additionally, if you are here on your own, please join us for any meals or social time; the more, the merrier!
We will have a thread titled "Let's Meet & Eat," and share where we plan to go to dinner on Friday evening, where we are sitting for the AACTE-sponsored breakfasts and lunches. No pressure; we want to ensure everyone feels welcome and meets new friends this year in Colorado!
See you tomorrow.
~Julie Ferin
Presentations from our pre-conference speakers:
Student Speaker Kaylynn Haydon -
Dr. Rick Ginsberg -
Dr. R. Lennon Audrain -
Thank you all so much for making our pre-conference such a success!
Here are the sessions that were mentioned at the end of our event:
Friday 2/16
10:30 - 10:50
Homestead 2
Dr. R. Lennon Audrain - 15-year Equity Analysis: Disparities in High Schoo-based Grow-your-own Programs by Race, Gender, and Entry Year
11:00 - 12:00
Red Rock 7
Megan Kaplinsky - From Classroom to Community: Ethnic Studies in Education Practices that Truly Transform Teacher Preparation Programs
11:00 - 12:00
Red Rock 6
Blake West - Developing an Advocacy Voice to Transform Preparation for Great Teaching and Learning
Saturday 2/17
Aurora Ballroom A
Sarah Anderson - Growing Our Work in Internationalization
Sunday 2/18
Red Rock 2
Yvonne Ribas - Integrating Educator Mentors in GYO Community College Teacher Pathways to Diversify the Profession